Frequently Asked Questions


What happens on the day of the evaluation?

It’s important to help prepare your child for the evaluation. This means having a good night of sleep and a breakfast. This evaluation is not like a regular doctor’s appointment with no shots, and nothing painful will happen! You can share that you will always be together with your child for the appointment. They will meet a new person and see new toys that they can play with.

You will be provided with feedback about the results of the evaluation at the end of the assessment.

Because this appointment lasts for several hours, plan to bring some snacks and a drink.

How old does my child have to be to have an assessment?

Growing Minds Assessment Center can see children as young as 12 months through 5 years of age. We can talk about whether we can answer your questions and concerns at the FREE consultation call.

This sounds expensive, is this worth it?

Having a psychological or developmental evaluation sounds costly but is an investment well earned because you will learn what your child needs. You’ll have a plan and recommendations to start working on right away because knowing what to do can be overwhelming. We can talk about priorities and what is important to focus on so that you can best support your child.

Is any of this covered by insurance?

We are a fee for service center. A Good Faith Estimate of the evaluation can be discussed at the Free consultation. A more specific fee structure can be discussed at the first intake appointment and a “superbill” can be provided upon request.

Do you offer in-person or telehealth/video assessments?

Your first visit, which includes the parent interview, can be completed in-person or via telephone or a video online meeting. However, the actual assessment will be completed in-person in the office with Dr. Perugini. Meeting together in-person with you and your child is essential because important and subtle information can be lost or missed through video. In order to get the most accurate and valid results, Dr. Perugini needs to directly interact, play, and work together in person with your child.

What about collaborating with my child’s school?

Dr. Perugini can collaborate with your child’s preschool or elementary school. This might include completing a school observation and attending Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings. We like to include your child’s teacher in the evaluation through questionnaires they complete or even talking directly with us.

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